Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Alzheimer's Spiritual Mind

by Bev Janisch

Peace is your natural state. It is the mind that obstructs the natural state- Ramana Maharshi

I listened to a fascinating talk by Bruce Lipton Ph.D as part of the Hay House World Summit. The title of his talk was "How to Live in Heaven on Earth."  He talked about people having two minds that are connected but not the same.  One of the minds is time bound and primarily focuses on the past and future.  This mind is programed by the way in which people are brought up and is commonly referred to as the subconscious mind.  It is responsible for habits and learning which means that once you've learned something you don't need to relearn it. The second mind, is the conscious mind, and it forms the  "foundation of our spirit." It is also the creative mind that includes our hopes and desires and is the mind that is at work when a person is in the moment.

I thought about this as it relates to people with Alzheimer's disease and wondered if the mind being affected by the disease is the time bound mind and the one that is still present is the one that arises in the moment.

This seemed to really fit when I reflected on my experiences with my mother in law. She couldn't remember her past and wasn't able to plan for the future, but was fully able to have relationships and connections in the moment. She couldn't remember that I was her daughter in law but she was able to connect with me when I was with her. This connection remained to the very end of her life. She also was able to form relationships with other residents. She developed a special friendship with a man which brought her tremendous comfort. I also noticed how she commonly would reach out to another resident with a kind word or a gentle touch as she was going by. These things were never lost

Share your stories of connection and examples of how the foundation of the spirit still remains when the time bound mind fades.

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