I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love- Mother Teresa
The following video, from the Alzheimer Society of Calgary, Alberta, is an inspiring and beautiful tribute to the power of love that shines through the experience of Dementia. This couple teaches us that they didn't chose to have Dementia in their life, but they have chosen to embrace their experience from a kind, loving and calm perspective. They remind us to live each moment fully and that we need to live those minutes by hugging more and loving more. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. You have touched us with your spirit and love!!
The ocean is never far away and the sea lions that visit every winter can be heard far up the valley and mountain. I'm trying to put an explanation to why this particular piece of rock feels so special, but everything I say doesn't capture it. Suffice to say, most anyone you talk to who has been here will attest to the pervasive specialness of spirit living through the island. Ilchi Lee books