Thursday, 27 June 2013

Light A Candle

"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness" (Eleanor Roosevelt)

I often hear people say that things happen for a reason. This expression is commonly heard when trying to make sense out of difficult circumstances in our life. It is a way of saying, "why is this happening and what purpose does it serve in my life"? I have asked this same question over and over again as it relates to Alzheimer's disease. What purpose could Alzheimer's disease possibly have?

I believe that Alzheimer's (and related Dementia's) are a gift. I know this sounds strange for a disease that is often described as robbing people's minds, memories, personalities, connections and overall mental abilities.  People who have the disease are often described as victims, suffering, tormented, ravaged and many more sad and descriptive words.

I don't deny the challenges and struggles surrounding Alzheimer's disease and I am grateful for the many wonderful books, websites, articles and resources that are available to help people cope with the disease. I want this blog to be about hope and the peace that we can find as we learn the lessons that we are meant to learn from our experiences with dementia.

Alzheimer's disease is a spiritual journey and creates an opportunity for us to become more connected with our souls and the things that are most important in life. I don't have all the questions about Alzheimer's and I most certainly don't have the answers, but I do know that I am a more centred and peaceful person since Alzheimer's was in my life.

I send out a heartfelt invitation to join me and others who have been touched by this disease as we explore, grow and make changes in ourselves that will have a ripple effect on those around us. Whether you're experiencing dementia yourself, or you're a "soul" partner you have a home here where you can share your thoughts, feelings and insights.

My intention is to write a book about Alzheimer's disease and the gifts that lay hidden in the day to day struggles. Please share your uplifting stories, words of wisdom and insights so that together we can attempt to make some sense out of this disease.

1 comment:

  1. Inspirational and hopeful. I look forward to you future posts.
