Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The Healing Power of Morning Routines

Have you ever really noticed what is going through your mind when you first wake up in the morning?  It's interesting that when I ask people this question, most of them say that they really don't know. For many the default goes something like this:  "I've got so much to do today, I'll never get it all done," or "I wish I could stay in bed longer" or there's the rumination about problems that arose the day before or worrying about what the upcoming day may bring. Getting out of bed for a lot of people is a dreaded activity filled with lot's of negative thoughts and the associated emotions. Does this ring true for you?

The fact is that if you don't know what you're thinking about, you can't make a conscious decision to change it into something more positive, loving and compassionate towards yourself.  Louise Hay, in her book "You Can Heal Your Life," writes about the power of morning rituals to start your day off right. She describes how she could "remember when I used to awaken in the morning and say with a groan,"OH GOD, ANOTHER DAY. And that is exactly the sort of day I would have, one thing after another going wrong." So when you recognize that your first thoughts of the day set the tone for the next moment, the next hour, the next day and ultimately your whole life, it becomes pretty powerful.  Who wants to live each moment thinking about what a crummy life they have?

The place to start is by paying attention to your thoughts when you first wake up in the morning. Then develop a morning  routine that works for you and is kind and compassionate to yourself. For me, I do the B-R-P-M-M, which means:

B- Before I rise I lie in bed and think about all the things that I'm grateful for. I think about my activities     for the day and I send positive energy ahead to the activity. I have a practice of finishing "I AM" statements with only positive words, like; "I am patient", or "I am loving", or "I  am compassionate", or "I am peaceful".  That feels a lot better than thinking, "I am tired" or " I am depressed" or "I am not worthy" get the idea.

R-P-M- Rise, Pee, Meditate is suggested by the Chopra Centre as vital to a morning routine. Even if it's just for 5 minutes, I start the day off with a meditation. What a gift to start the day calm and peaceful with warm thoughts!

M- Musings is how I finish my routine before breakfast. I write three pages of absolutely anything that comes into my mind. I don't think about it, I don't judge it, I just write it. I liken this to taking out the trash that is stinking out my life. There are so many wonderful benefits from this that I'll designate a full post to it in the near future.  This is something I recently started and I'm amazed at the benefits in terms of how good I feel when I get things out and create space for positive thinking.

The point is to start your own routine that fits for you. Although it may take a few more minutes at the start of the day it will transform your life! Marianne Williamson talks about how to Start Your Day Right in this video. Please share any ideas that you have that may help others start their day in a most wonderful way.

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